Check out which states will have an increase in the light bill

Despite the reduction in the cost of electricity having been announced recently due to the change in the current banner, According to the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), four Brazilian states have made changes to their tariffs. The change is being implemented by the distributors responsible for supplying electricity in these regions. Check out this article for more details about the increase in the electricity bill in some states.

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Increase in electricity bills in 4 states in Brazil

Even with the anticipation of the end of the extra charge on the light bill, made by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), the Aneel approved the increase in the electricity bill of four states, namely Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará. With this approval by the agency, the increase can reach up to 24.85% for the population of these states.

Readjustment in Bahia

The Electric Energy Company of the State of Bahia (Neoenergia Coelba) implemented an annual increase of 20.73% in the tariff that came into force on April 22nd. In addition, around 6.3 million consumer units across the state must adapt to the new increase imposed on residential consumers.

Readjustment in Ceará

Enel Distribuição, which serves 3.8 million consumers, annually readjusts the price of electricity in the accounts of the population of Ceará. The increase, which also took effect on April 22, was an average of 24.85%, based on the cumulative effect of the previous 12 months. Consumers with open accounts, who would see a 0.9% increase in their bills, will be the first to notice.

Readjustment in the RN

Aneel authorized the Energy Company of Rio Grande do Norte (Neoenergia Cosern) to implement the readjustment, which is already in effect. A total of 1.5 million units are served by the company, and the increase will be 19.87%.

Readjustment in Sergipe

In Sergipe, Energisa Sergipe – Distribuidora de Energia SA (ESE) implemented a 16.46% increase in residential energy tariffs, reaching more than 825 million people.

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