Check out some sounds that can change how you feel

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Everyone has that nostalgic song that, as soon as it starts playing, can completely change your mood. Whether out of sadness, joy or anger, songs have this capacity. What's more, scientists have discovered that some everyday sounds can change how you feel, like a dog barking and someone laughing.

Read more: See science tips for choosing the perfect alarm clock sound

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The use of sounds to change the emotional state

In general, many people already use some sounds to change their mood. Because of this, it is common to find videos on Youtube that reproduce sounds of whales or rain with millions of views. This happens because these sound waves can serve as a positive trigger and take individuals to better mental places, or not.

  • white noise

You know that sound that comes out of a television with no signal or an air conditioner on? Called white noise, this noise is transmitted through sound waves that have several frequencies, but which are detected by the human ear at a single power.

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For many people, the sound can cause some discomfort, but for others it is a sign of something relaxing before going to sleep. Because of this, it's very easy to find thousands of white noise videos with thanks from people who managed to sleep faster thanks to it.

  • Whisper

ASMR videos have become increasingly popular and are widely used by those looking to relax before going to bed. In most of them, content producers use whispers a lot to reassure viewers. According to science, this is possible because this sound is very similar to relaxing music and some noises in nature.

  • Rain

Rain has a positive effect for most people. In addition to providing a cool and cozy atmosphere, its sound is well known for providing a certain relaxation, even when accompanied by thunder. However, for some, the noise of the drops hitting the surface can also be something negative, normally associated with loneliness.

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