Inmet is available to build space elevator with NASA

A project prepared for the future may be within reach of the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet). The partnership, which may emerge soon, provides for the creation of a space elevator that will make use of the force of the rotation of the space itself. Earth, with a kind of cable with 100 thousand kilometers. The project is unlikely, perhaps, for 2023, but it may be within reach of the technological giants from 2045.

Through a request, Inmet formalized its intention to participate in the creation together with the Obayashi company and NASA. As indicated, the Institute pointed out that this would be an indispensable evolution for Brazil in terms of technology and a very relevant social and economic representation. In addition, there are several advantages that the project will bring.

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Inmet and NASA space elevator

There is currently a range of studies that enable the construction and operation of this space elevator, from previous concepts to what will be part of the implementation. China is also engaged in creating this project, researching and enabling structures that can be totally useful.

“The most advanced studies on the subject support the installation of a base station on the earth's surface, where the cable would be attached and would extend up to 100,000 kilometers (km) in altitude. With that, one of the ends would remain fixed to the base, while the other would continue floating in space attached to a counterweight, which would keep the cable always taut as it followed the rotation of the planet,” informed Inmet via middle note.

See below the advantages foreseen for the creation:

  • Transport unlimited daily materials into space;
  • Reduce monetary costs regarding the shipment of cargo;
  • Sending fragile structures such as clean energy supplies and satellites solar energy;
  • Progress in the areas of telecommunications, the environment and meteorology.

“In short, the elevator will be an alternative permanent transportation structure for space with zero carbon footprint, capable of moving millions of tons of cargo with a neutral environmental approach, in addition to allowing significant environmental missions that will improve the Earth's environment", communicated Inmet about the possibility.

Inmet's participation in the process would be sending meteorology satellites into space, enabling coverage in more distinct areas between continents and oceans, in addition to highlighting the significant importance for agriculture in the Brazil.

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