MOVE these plants away from your house if you don't want bad luck.

According to some recommendations based on Feng Shui, keeping at home plants that attract bad luck can cause some energy changes, such as draining energy or lack of willingness to do everyday activities. For that reason, know the plants that can bring bad luck and remove them from your home immediately.

Read more: Beautiful and dangerous: What are the most common toxic plants in Brazil?

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Plants that bring bad luck

Decorating the house with plants goes beyond the visual aspect. Contact, even a small one, with nature and the obligation to take care of plants can be good for your mental health.

However, there are some plant species known to be true luck and energy suckers, and therefore should be kept out of your residence.

Feng Shui, the Chinese practice of energy harmonization in the home, believes in communication between all domestic elements. Thus, organizing the house in a certain way can help maintain good energy.

Thinking about this reason, the ancient practice of Feng Shui recommends that some plants known to attract negative energy be kept away from the house. Check out what they are and if you have them at home, you can take them out today.


Cacti are beautiful and play an important role in nature. But indoors, they prevent the circulation of energy, in addition to having the ability to absorb energy from the environment. Thus, it is good to keep this plant in an external area of ​​​​the residence.


Bonsai is a little known plant in Brazil, although it has a very curious and exotic appearance. For Feng Shui, as the bonsai only grows sideways, it can indicate limitations in life and the impossibility of real growth for those who grow the plant indoors.

Thorn of Christ or Saint

The last species of plant that brings bad luck is the Thorn of Christ. The Crown used by Jesus at the time of the crucifixion came from this plant. Because it is full of thorns, it manages to produce tension in the home of those who cultivate it, in addition to causing nervousness in those who live in the house.

In this way, to ward off bad luck and negative energies, it may be interesting to follow Feng Shui recommendations and keep these plants away from home.

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