Protect your home and attract luck with some of these plants

Religious rituals, scented candles, plants, incense, mandalas, rosaries... These are some of the procedures carried out by several people around the world to attract peace, positivity, luck and protection. Among these techniques, we will discuss below 5 options for plants to protect and bring bonanza your house. Take a look below and choose the one that best suits your environment:

Read more: 5 unlucky plants NOT to have indoors

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Plants used to attract good luck and protection

Home is the place that welcomes a family, a place to relax and disconnect from the outside world, connect with yourself and those you love. However, it may be that external problems are carried into the home, destabilizing it. Thinking about it, we list plants that are used to attract protection and luck, restoring balance and comfort in the home. Check below:

  • Orchid

Associated with fertility, the orchid is greatly cultivated by families, especially couples who wish to have a baby soon. The aroma it exudes is extremely pleasant and can restore the good mood of the house, in addition to its maintenance being easy, as it does not require prolonged and high quantity watering.

  • Sword of Saint George

Considered as a rustic plant for being of very low maintenance, practically self-preserved, the Sword of Saint George is an extremely strong plant that survives in inhospitable conditions for other plants. plants. That way, if you don't consider yourself the best caretaker of plants, it can be a great option.

Due to its strength, it is known to scare away the evil eye and shield the environment against envy. However, the contraindication of this plant is due to the toxic components for pets. So if you have pets, avoid this species!

  • lucky bamboo

Lucky Bamboo attracts luck, abundance and prosperity. To do this, she takes away the bad luck and energies of envy that try to stop her progress. In addition, it is an aesthetically pleasing option to have in a backyard or outdoor area. This species likes moisture, so constant watering is necessary.

  • Jasmine

Known for its beauty, jasmine is associated with romanticism and the attraction of positive energies. In addition, it helps maintain relationships - whether they are loving, family or friendship. Popularly, there is a belief that the best position to attract good vibes is to position it in a window with the body facing south.

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