Learn how to preserve sliced ​​apples without using lemon

Many parents have problems when it comes to putting sliced ​​apples in their children's lunch boxes, as the apples end up getting dark very quickly. This is because the apple is a fruit that oxidizes very easily, due to the phenolic compounds that react quickly when in contact with oxygen.

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For this reason, apples actually darken more quickly when they are cut into slices, so much so that many prefer to transport whole apples for later slicing. However, if your case is that of a father or mother of small children and who requires this care of slicing the fruit, do not worry, as we have a tip on how to how to preserve sliced ​​apples.

And the best: this tip does not use lemon, which is normally used to preserve apples, but which can leave a very characteristic lemon taste.

How to preserve sliced ​​apples

This tip is very quick and practical, in addition to having few ingredients and being able to retain the original apple flavor. So all you need is ½ teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of cold water. With these two ingredients we will form a powerful solution.

So, wash and slice your apples normally and dip in that water and salt solution for just 10 minutes and that's enough. Afterwards, you will only need to drain these slices, ensuring that they are very dry and then place them in an airtight can tightly closed in the refrigerator.

Lastly, so that the apples don't get too salty, rinse them well before putting them in your child's lunch box. And it's done! You can be sure that these apples will by no means become salty or oxidized, but perfect for consumption.

additional tips

How about improving the apple in your child's lunchbox with an extra flavor and thus encouraging him to eat more fruit? In this sense, a great tip is to put a cinnamon stick, or two cloves, next to the apple when it is already in the lunch box.

However, be careful, as this tip does not apply to leaving the sliced ​​apples stored in the refrigerator, as it will not pick up the flavor. But you could be canning it with salt and water normally and then seasoning it to make it more delicious. Your child will love it!

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