Benefits of dancing for the brain: 4 reasons to start dancing

Several scientific studies show that move the body in the lullaby of a musical rhythm, to dance, works to prevent disease and can improve clinical conditions when there is already a health problem. So today we'll tell you why dancing is good for the brain. Check out!

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How does dancing improve the health of the mind?

Move the body to the sound of pleasant music it improves the cardiovascular system, favors correct breathing, increases blood flow and also the body's defenses. However, if you think that's all it is, know that the positive effects of dancing don't stop there! See the list of benefits that the activity offers to the brain.

1. hippocampus activation

The movements performed during a dance provide several beneficial effects for the brain, since they the movements that occur in the activity positively affect the hippocampus, the region of the brain that stores information. memoirs. In addition, dancing also helps to improve balance.

2. Combat depression

When the person starts dancing, the elevation of self-esteem and the feeling of well-being are almost immediate. This happens because the brain releases substances called neurotransmitters during dance, linked precisely to the feeling of motivation, well-being and pleasure.

3. Reduces stress

Dancing is a great alternative to relieving nervousness and anxiety. The explanation is that when a person is stressed, the body tends to produce a lot of cortisol and adrenaline, consequently, the heart is accelerated and the muscles, in turn, become rigid.

On the other hand, dancing promotes the release of hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with happiness and relaxation, while cortisol and adrenaline levels begin to decrease.

4. Stimulates creativity

This physical activity also allows us to develop new forms of communication, given that dance consists of a type of expression that dispenses with words and, in this way, allows the spontaneity of the language transmitted through the movements.

Did you have any idea how beneficial dancing can be for the brain and body as a whole? Well, now that you know the benefits of this practice, start rehearsing some steps right away!

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