Man dies after performing a nasal wash at home

Nasal lavage is a common procedure for cleaning the nasal cavities and relieving symptoms such as congestion and infections. However, a tragic case was recently reported in the United States where a man contracted a brain infection fatal caused by an amoeba that entered your body during the nasal wash.

Although this type of infection is rare, it is important to be aware of the risks in practicing nasal lavage.

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nasal wash

Nasal wash is a very common method of cleaning the nasal cavities that consists of injecting a saline solution into the nostrils to clean the nasal mucosa, thus reducing congestion. However, if not performed correctly, this method can pose health risks such as infections, irritation, and damage to nasal tissue.


The amoeba that caused the man's death is called Naegleria fowleri, and is found in fresh and warm water, such as lakes and rivers. When it enters the human body through the nose, it can cause a serious brain infection known as primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, which is usually fatal. Fortunately, this type of infection is very rare, and only a few people get infected each year.

How to avoid?

To avoid any risk during nasal washing, it is important to follow some safety measures. First, always use distilled or previously boiled water to make the saline solution, as tap water can contain bacteria and other microorganisms that are harmful to your health.

In addition, it is important to follow the instructions correctly for performing the nasal wash. Do not use water with too much pressure, as this can damage the nasal tissue and even push bacteria or microorganisms into the middle ear, causing infections.

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