DMV warns that almost 170,000 drivers will soon be unable to drive

As you may already know, drivers who commit traffic violations take points on their license, which may even cause the suspension of the National Driver's License (driver's license). In this sense, almost 170 thousand drivers will have CNHs suspended in Pernambuco shortly. Follow this article to better understand this situation.

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Suspended driving licenses in Pernambuco

There are almost 170,000 drivers with an irregular license in Pernambuco. According to Detran-PE, the real number is 167 thousand drivers. With that, all of them will have to take a refresher course to be able to drive again.

But why such a high number of undocumented drivers? It turns out that these drivers exceeded the limit of points in their license due to fines and/or committed infractions that have an automatic suspensive effect, as is the case of driving under the influence of alcohol or making famous “handles”.

Of this total of 167,000 drivers who will have their driver's license suspended, 3,000 licenses may be suspended due to the sum of 40 points (the sum changed from 20 to 40 points after changes to the Brazilian Traffic Code - CTB, in 2021).

And in relation to CNHs that will be suspended due to infractions that generate suspension, the numbers are divided as follows way: 103,811 processes for suspension of portfolios are in the opening phase and 59,363 are being processed in different phases.

suspension period

These driving licenses must be suspended within two years. That is, from 2022 to 2024, as the process became faster. The state of Pernambuco had, in August this year, 2,370,841 licensed drivers, according to data from the Detran-PE.

most common fines

Among the most common infractions that lead to automatic suspension are: traveling with a vehicle at a speed greater than 50%; driving a motorcycle with a passenger without a helmet; riding a motorcycle without wearing a helmet or with the visor raised; and refusal to undergo a blood alcohol test.

How do you know if your license has been suspended?

It's easy to find out if your driver's license has been suspended. Through the internet, just access the Detran website of your respective state and look for the option to consult the CNH or CNH Certificate. In addition, the consultation can be carried out through the Detran application, if it exists for the state where you live.

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