Dandelion: Learn how to grow this peculiar flowering plant

A snapdragon plant, Antirrhinum majus, is named for its strong resemblance to the big cat's mouth. However, despite having that strong name, it is a small herbaceous plant and has an annual life cycle. If you want to know how to grow the snapdragon plant, then read on!

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meet the flower

Being from the African continent, it can also be found naturally in some European countries. It received its name Mouth of the Lion due to the fact that its flower resembles the open mouth of the big cat. The species has a wide variety of colors and sizes, and can be in red, pink, purple, white, yellow, orange or in some medium tone.

Despite being great for decoration due to its varied colors, this plant attracts many insects, so it is good to always leave it outside the internal environment of the house. The ideal is that she stays in gardens or backyards.

Cultivating snapdragon

Its seeds can be placed directly in the soil at a depth of half a centimeter and it is recommended to maintain a space of 15 to 30 cm between plants. They take an average of 3 weeks to sprout.

The land used in this process must be well fertilized and well drained. In addition, they adapt better in mild climates and tend not to withstand extreme temperatures, either too much or too little.

With regard to how to water it, it is very important to pay attention to the amount of liquid used, then, until the seeds germinate, it is good to leave the earth just damp, avoiding soaking the ground. Finally, when your snapdragon is already big, water it every day and preferably at dusk.

As for how to prune them, it's good to do it periodically, cutting the tips of the branches when the plant has six leaves. Whenever the leaves wither, remove them, this will make your little plant develop freely and healthy.

extra curiosities

It is a very popular flower for decorating gardens and parties such as weddings and graduations, but it is also used in natural medicine to treat diseases such as rheumatism and digestive problems, as well as having a diuretic and anti-inflammatory.

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