After 85 years, photographic equipment is found in a glacier in Canada

Aftermonths in search, a team in scientists and explorers he thought one extensivecollection in equipmentphotographicleft for the photographer and cartographer Bradford Washburn In Canada,in 1937.

washburn it was the responsible for imagesimpressive of mountains in the United States and at the Canada,It isalsohe was one of the pioneersfrom the aerial photography for search of mountains.Duringan expedition to Mount Lucania, Thethird mountain more high from Canada, the badtimeOforced The rid-if from themajority of your cameras, equipment in search and supplies for survive.

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Equipment discarded for nearly 90 years is found by scientists

The relentless search was like finding a needle in a haystack for the team involved. During those 85 years, the glaciers covering the mountain were able to move and also change its shape quite a bit. What the team did know was that the equipment was left behind on the remote Walsh Glacier. Through comparisons between the photos from that time and the current ones, and with the calculation of the movement rate of the glaciers, the scientists were able to locate exactly the place.

Dora Medrzycka, from the University of Ottawa, was responsible for the calculations. According to her, the Walsh Glacier was showing some different movements, where there were peaks of these movements of one or two years per decade. This question made the searches considerably difficult, but even so, the equipment was found approximately 5 km below what was expected, in a total of 22 km away from where its owner discarded.

Among the equipment found are a camera inaerial photography Fairchild F-8 and two camcorders from the era, which still had the films in them. The explorers' idea is to reveal them to obtain unpublished images of the glacier and better understand its movement process during all these years.

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