Grasshoppers could be used to diagnose cancer, study finds

Scientists at Michigan State University, in the United States, announced another step in the search for the early diagnosis of cancer cells. In this new study, the researchers found that grasshoppers can identify cancer, so this could be a strategy to quickly recognize the disease and start treatment.

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Locusts can smell cancer

It is not the first time that the possibility of an insect recognizing cancer cells with its scent has been studied. In fact, there are already other tests that consider both bees and ants. In this case, the scientists recognize in the keen sense of smell of these animals a path for the recognition and differentiation of cancer cells.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers connected some electrodes to the grasshoppers' brains. With this, it was possible to map the responses of insects to samples of gas produced by healthy cells and also by cancer cells. In this way, it was noticed that the animals were not only able to identify which were the diseased cells, but were also capable of differentiating them.

This happens because cancer cells produce different substances in our body and can reach the airways. Therefore, it is considered that a patient's breathing can emit these signs of the disease. These same ones that would be quickly identified by the locusts.

New diagnostic method

This discovery excited the scientific community, as there is a real chance of making cancer diagnoses faster. After all, the sooner the disease is discovered, the easier it is to treat it.

Therefore, the challenge for researchers now is to understand how, exactly, the sensory neurons of grasshoppers are able to recognize cancer cells. Furthermore, it is also necessary to know whether this method works for all types of cancer that have been cataloged so far.

So far, scientists have tested cells from three different types of mouth cancer. In the analysis, the locusts were able to differentiate each of the variations of the disease just by sniffing the contaminated air.

Therefore, the expectation is that the insects will, in fact, be able to carry out the diagnosis in all types of cancer, or at least in all those who manage to introduce metabolites into the human airways.

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