I name: number and genera

Regola Generale sui generi: maschile and femminile / General rule on gender: male and female

1) Nomi che finiscono in –o sono in genere: MASCHILI. / Names ending in -o are generally MALE.
2) Nomi che finiscono in -a sono in genere: FEMINILI. / Names ending in –a are generally: FEMALE.
3) Nomi che finiscono in -e podeno essere FEMINILI O MASCHILI. / Names ending in –e can be FEMALE OR MALE.

Attention: Esistono molti nomi che non seguono questa regola. / Heads up: There are many names that do not follow this rule.

  • Nomi maschili che finiscono in –a. / Male names ending in –a.



il collegThe
il tasshey
il piloh
il youbad
il pianok
lo psichiatrThe*
il dramabad

The plural of the parole che sono sopra follows the general rule of the plural. / The plural of the above words follows the general rule of the plural.

* Words common to two, that is, both can be used to refer to the male or female gender (la psichiatra, l'artista / le psichiatre, le artiste).

  • Nomi femminili che finiscono in –o. / Female names ending in –o.

In spoken Italian, there are many names or nouns that appear abbreviated. Below is a short list:

- there motorcycle (motorcycle vienna)
- thereself (Vienna dall'automobile)
- there Photograph (Vienna from the photograph) ecc.

The plural of these words does not change (the motorcycle, the car, the photo), however, if you want to write in the plural without abbreviating them, then you should use the general plural rule (the motorcycle, the automobile, the photographer).

  • Nomi femminili che finiscono in –i o –si. / Female names ending in -i or -si.

Esempi/ Examples: la metropoli, la criyes, there youyes, l’analiyes, la dioceyes ecc (le metropoli, le crisi, le tesi, le diocese ).

  • Irregular plurali/ Irregular plurals:

Ci sono alcune parole che hanno plurale irregulare. / There are some words that have an irregular plural.

l’uomo gli uomini
luovo read wow (Federal Police.)

Sleep anche irregular in the plural i name of it part of the body. / The names of some parts of the body are also irregular in the plural.

maschile female
Il braccio Le braccia
Il said read dictates
Il labbro le labbra
ginocchio le ginocchia
bone lossa

Fai attenzione alla parola: there bro (s.f.) le man (Federal Police.).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/i-nomi-numero-generenomi-irregulari.htm

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