Remote work is regulated by law, but was vetoed during the sanction

The mode of work that many people want to exercise, which is remote work, was regulated by Law number 14,442, from 2022, and sanctioned by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro. However, it ended up receiving some vetoes as well. The norms that regulate remote work have had some changes regarding the rules for food vouchers, where they originate from MP 1.108/2022, which was approved by the Senate on August 3 of this year, whose rapporteur was Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ).

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The new law, published in the Federal Official Gazette on September 5th, defines that remote work is like a provision of services outside the firm's premises, whether preponderant or hybrid, and which cannot be characterized as work external. However, it should be noted that this type of service must be expressly included in the employee's employment contract.

Now talking about food vouchers, the law says that it must be used exclusively for food payments in restaurants and also similar, or that are related to the foodstuff and that can be bought in the trade. Not least, the employer has now been prohibited from receiving discounts when contracting with the suppliers of these food stamps.

Finally, talking about the vetoes, the president vetoed (VET 49/2022) the possibility of being refunded, in money, the value of the food voucher that remains as a balance because it was not used by the worker at the end of 60 days. The justification for this veto was that this measure goes against the public interest, as it would be facing the current rules of the Worker's Food Program (PAT). According to government information, withdrawal of this balance in cash after 60 days would be compromising the food purpose of the benefit.

Another part of the proposal was also vetoed, which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies and which was also maintained by the Senate, where it states that makes it mandatory to transfer to the trade union centrals any residual balance that eventually comes to be on account of the contributions unions. It was informed by the Ministry of Economy that this measure is contrary to tax laws and also represents a potential expense for the Union.

The two vetoes applied by the president will still receive an analysis by the National Congress, with no date defined so far. For information purposes, in order to override a presidential veto, a vote must take place and it be registered separately with an absolute majority of the votes of the deputies, which are 257, and also of the senators, who are 41.

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