Weather alert: El Niño could bring significant changes in 2023

The UN recently announced that the likelihood of the phenomenon El Niño occur in the coming months increased to 60% in the period from May to July and may reach 80% between July and September.

This climatic phenomenon is characterized by the warming of the waters of the Pacific Ocean and can affect the climate in several parts of the world, including Brazil. So what can we expect?

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Through the agency specializing in climate issues, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the UN warned about the possibility of a new El Niño, which could result in high temperatures, in record temperatures, for the next months.

This will be the opposite of what happened in the last three years, the planet experienced the La Niña phenomenon.

Despite this, the recording of some of the hottest years in history has not been prevented. Countries are advised to prepare for the wide-scale consequences of El Niño. We are currently experiencing the so-called neutral state, without the excess caused by El Niño or La Niña in the Pacific Ocean.

However, experts warn that the arrival of El Niño could lead to record temperatures and increase the chances of breaking the world temperature status.

In the last three years, the presence of La Niña has cooled the waters of the Pacific, but it has not prevented the Earth from recorded some of the hottest years in history, as highlighted by the secretary general of the WMO, Petteri Taalas.

What to expect El Niño?

The natural and periodic phenomenon of El Niño causes warming in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and has occurred throughout history, with its last occurrence between 2018 and 2019. This weather event has significant implications on a global scale, generally resulting in increased average temperatures, and that's exactly what we can expect.

In addition, El Niño can also trigger severe droughts in some regions, while causing severe storms in other parts of the world. It is important to note that its impact may vary in different geographic areas, affecting weather patterns in different and sometimes unpredictable ways.

During an episode of the natural phenomenon, it is common for Brazil to experience a general increase in temperatures throughout its territory. This weather pattern also affects the distribution of rainfall across the country, resulting in greater precipitation in the south, while the north and northeast tend to face a decrease in the amount of rains.

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