Councilor proposes the creation of 'Day of Batman' in Florianópolis; understand

An unusual bill was presented on Tuesday (11) in Florianópolis. Councilor Mayanne Mattos (PL-SC) officially filed the proposal to create a holiday dedicated to the character Batman, from DC Comics.

According to the bill presented by Mattos, ‘Batman Day’ would be a way of “paying homage to the character, as well as discussing public safety in the Municipality”. Bill No. 18725/2023 was filed at the Florianópolis City Council.

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The main inspiration for the councilor's action is the event batman day, a day created by dc comics to celebrate with fans the journey of the iconic superhero.

Since 2014, the event is celebrated in September, which seems to have motivated the councilor to suggest that the holiday be celebrated on September 17th. Learn more about PL!

Main justifications for the ‘Batman Day’ bill

Despite the curious choice, the councilwoman justifies that the decision was taken due to the character's proximity to Justice and public safety. “For 80 years, Batman has gained a lot of popularity as a character who mirrors justice and excels in public safety,” she argued.

According to the text of the project, the Batman character “He doesn't have superpowers. In his fight against crime, he utilizes a huge collection of advanced equipment, extraordinary vehicles, his privileged brain and hand-to-hand combat techniques.”

Therefore, according to the councilor, these characteristics would make the Morcego Man the ideal representative of the actions of the public power in favor of the security of the municipality.

Another excerpt from the bill reinforces that the main public security problems that require action by the government are: the feeling of insecurity, the crime rates and difficult access to the Judiciary.

In this way, having a day dedicated to the vigilante character of the comics would be a way to raise reflections on public safety in the capital of Santa Catarina.

Batman Day, the day involved in Mayanne Mattos' project, is an event that had its first edition at Comic Con San Diego in 2014.

In Brazil, the date has already been celebrated in São Paulo and Santos with actions that mark the exaltation of Batman as a legitimate agent of Justice against organized crime.

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