Woman sends message to stranger and wins a great love story

If you are a fan of stories from love unusual, then you'll like to know the case of Brenda and Isaiah, an American couple who met after Brenda mistakenly sent the guy a text message, thinking he was a friend next. See the entire report that we separate to better understand this case!

Separated by 1,300 kilometers and united by a message

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The year was 2009.

Brenda decided to send a motivational text message to her friends first thing in the morning to say “good morning” to her colleagues and give them that dose of cheer for everyone to start the work day very well.

The message, which had biblical passages, was sent to the closest people, including a friend of Brenda's. The “problem” is that the person who received the message was Isaiah, who now used the number of the girl's friend at the time, since he decided to change his phone number.

According to Brenda, Isaiah responded to the message with good humor and said, “Amen! But who are you?" He, who is now 40, had acquired the new phone number about 30 minutes before Brenda sent the message.

That's the hand of God in their lives, huh? At the time, Isaiah was living apart from Brenda. More precisely, 1,300 kilometers separated them. Despite this, after the message by mistake, both began to talk frequently, including through calls.

What started out as a friendship quickly evolved into a love that has lasted over 12 years.

Brenda said: "It started out as a friendship, but then I thought, 'Do I even like him?'"

In conversation with the family, Brenda decides to meet the boy

Even though she was excited about the idea, Brenda said she was afraid, after all, she had never met Isaiah in person. So she asked her mother and sister, who live in Ohio, to find the boy.

The idea was so accurate that the mother of the girl approved and was categorical in telling her daughter that she would marry him. Which, in fact, happened in June 2010. Currently, the couple has a family with six children. Brenda says they are happy and that she thanks fate for bringing them together.

Love stories.
Photo: Reproduction / Portal6.

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