How to use espressioni Ci metto and Ci vuole

1) Meaning: / Meaning: (Mettere + ci = Metterci) * “[con la particella ci] dedicatee; impegnare: Metterci tre ore." / [with the ci particle] dedicate, take: It takes three hours.

*Definition withdrawn: I dizionari medi Garzanti – House Editrice Garzanti Linguistica.

2) Meaning: / Meaning: (Volere + ci = Volerci) * “This is necessary, it occurs per qualcuno o qualcosa, or in certain situzione, it is always accompagnato of the ci (p.e. Ci vuole ancora del tempo.; Per un abito, ci vogliono due metri di stoffa.) " / Being necessary, necessary for someone or something, or in some situation, is always accompanied by ci (for example: He (a) still needs time.; For a suit, two meters of fabric are needed.)

*Definition withdrawn: SABATINI – COLETTI, Dizionario Italiano edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

I saw that this due to I expressed its meaning in no time. Allora vedrai al testo comes and in che type di situazioni to use it. / See that these two expressions, according to meaning, indicate duration of time. Then you will see in the text how and in what kind of situations to use them.

  • L’espressione Ci metto / The expression ‘Ci metto’

This espresse question indicates the time needed ad una persona in particolare. Perciò if it yields obbligo coniugare sencondo le persone del discorso. Osserv. / This expression indicates the time required by a particular person. Therefore, it is mandatory to conjugate according to the people in the speech. Watch.

persone of discord

 METTERCI (present dell'indicative)


Ci metto


Ci metti


Ci mette

No I

Ci mettiamo


ci mettete


ci metono

Vedi degli esempi:/ See some examples:

1) How long Giulia ci mette from the house to the cinema? / How long does Giulia take to the movies from home?

2) Oggi, io and Luigi ci mettiamo 2 pray per arrivare in centro./ Today, Luis and I took 2 hours to get to the center.

3) how much ci metti to prepare a good scene? / How long does it take you to prepare a good dinner?

  • L’espressione Ci vuole/ The expression ‘Ci vuole’

The espresse question indicates how much time in genere is needed. It is important to know when the phrase is plural usiamo ‘ci vogliono’. / This expression indicates how much time, in general, is needed. It is important to know that when the phrase is in the plural we use ‘ci vogliano’.

Vedi degli esempi: / See some examples:

1) ci volole 1 now per arrivare in centro si departed from Luigi. / It takes 1 hour to get to the center if you depart from Luigi's house.

2) La pasta non é ancora cotta, ci vogliono circa 5 minutes. / The noodles are not cooked yet, it takes about 5 minutes.

3) I think ci volole time per finire l’esercizio. / I think it takes time to finish the exercise.

Note bene! / Watch!

Usiamo ci vuole and ci mette anche con altri significati. Osserva alcuni esempi. / We use ‘ci vuole’ and ‘ci mette’ with other meanings as well. Look at some examples.


A) Che buona questa meat! Come la fai?/ What delicious meat! How do you do it?

B) Ci metto rosmarin and fresh basil. / I add fresh rosemary and basil.


A) Abbiamo tutto per l’ happy hour? / We have everything for the happy hour?

B) No, ci vogliono ancora buy le bevande and i bicchieri./ No, you still need to buy drinks and glasses.

Sign up: / Observation: It is important to note che le espressioni ci vuole and ci mette vengono anche in altre tempi verbale. See. / It is important to note that the expressions ‘ci vuole’ and ‘ci mette’ come in other tenses as well. Look.

1) Exit dire how much I'll put it per arrivare al lavroro si presassi l'autobus? / Can you tell how long it would take me to get to work if I took the bus?

2) Quantity minuti ci vorrano per walk from Rio to Niterói? / How many minutes would it take to get from Rio to Niterói?

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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