Zero lactose: Learn how to replace milk and its derivatives in recipes

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There are a multitude of recipes in which dairy products are part of the ingredient list. However, many people cannot eat these foods for health reasons, while others avoid them for personal reasons, such as adopting a vegan diet, for example. So, check out some tips for replacing milk and its derivatives in recipes.

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Health issues that prevent dairy consumption

There are two health conditions that prevent the consumption of milk and dairy products, unless they are products specially formulated for these cases. They are lactose intolerance and allergy to cow's milk protein.

In lactose intolerance, the individual does not have the lactase enzyme to break down lactose (milk sugar), so this nutrient is not absorbed in the intestine. Consequently, intestinal bacteria ferment lactose, causing symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

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As for allergy to cow's milk protein, the individual absorbs the milk protein, but his immune system understands this protein as an aggressive agent and starts to defend itself. Thus, symptoms such as laryngeal edema, vomiting, urticaria and even anaphylactic shock may arise.

Vegetarians and Vegans

In addition to people who cannot consume dairy products for health reasons, there is the group of strict vegetarians and vegans, who also do not consume these foods. In these cases, the reasons are ethics with animals and concern for the environment.

How to replace milk and its derivatives in preparations?

There are several ways to replace dairy in preparations and the good news is that they are just as tasty. So, follow the tips and stay on top of the alternative versions of these recipes.

1. Stroganoff: Use coconut milk instead of cream

The traditional recipe for stroganoff takes cream in its composition, but you can make a very simple replacement using coconut milk. In this sense, as coconut is a food rich in fat, the stroganoff will have the same creaminess as the original recipe.

2. Olive oil and coconut oil instead of butter

You can replace the butter with olive oil or even coconut oil, depending on the recipe. That way, try putting olive oil and oregano on French bread instead of the traditional butter.

3. ice cream without milk

You can make delicious homemade ice cream without milk. To do this, just freeze some silver bananas and then beat them with cocoa powder, peanut butter, avocado, berries or another ingredient of your choice.

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