Effects of electric current

the passage of electric current for one conductor it can cause different effects, which vary according to the nature of the conductor and the intensity of the electric current that runs through it. The main effects are: thermal effect, chemical effect, magnetic effect and physiological effect.

chemical effect

The chemical effect occurs in certain chemical reactions when they are traversed by an electric current. This effect is widely used in metal coating, for example.

Thermal Effect

The thermal effect, also called joule effect, arises from the numerous shocks of the electrons of a conductor when it is traversed by an electrical current. When the atoms receive energy, they start to vibrate more intensely and, the greater the vibration, the greater the temperature of the driver. The temperature rise is observed with the heating of the conductor. This effect is applied to heaters in general, such as electric showers.

magnetic effect

The magnetic effect manifests itself when there is the appearance of a magnetic field in the region close to where the electric current is applied.

Physiological effect

The physiological effect occurs when an electrical current passes through the organism of living beings. He works in nervous system, causing the body to have muscle contractions, configuring what we know as electric shock. The basic condition for an electric shock to happen is to cause a potential difference.

Electric currents with intensities of 1 mA cause a tickling or tingling sensation, but currents with intensities of 10 mA cause people to lose control of their muscles. That's why it's difficult to open your hands and let go of contact.

Small electric current values, around 1 mA and 3 mA, are highly deadly because they reach directly the heart, causing it to change its rhythm, contracting and relaxing countless times for second. This is called cardiac fibrillation, which causes death.

On the other hand, very high currents do not kill immediately, as their intensity is so high that the heart becomes completely paralyzed. However, this stoppage only remains as long as the electrical current is passing through the person's body. This stoppage passes as soon as the electrical current stops, but it's important to know that, while it doesn't kill instantly, this current can leave irreversible sequelae due to the interruption of blood circulation, even for some seconds.

By Marco Aurélio da Silva
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/os-efeitos-corrente-eletrica.htm

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