Learn now how to clean your cell phone correctly so as not to damage the device

Did you know that cell phones can accumulate viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can cause health damage? Frequent cleaning of appliances is especially important for this reason. Therefore, we will teach you how to properly clean your cell phone to remove dirt, but without damaging it.

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How important is it to clean your cell phone the right way?

Cell phones can accumulate as many bacteria as a toilet, for example. In addition, given the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, these devices have become a possible source of contamination, which has drawn even more attention to their cleanliness.

Thus, they need to be cleaned properly, but carefully so as not to compromise their performance. Correct cleaning cooperates indirectly with the environment, as it preserves the useful life of the device, delaying the need for an exchange and reducing the amount of electronic waste discarded.

Cleaning your cell phone properly

First of all, it is important to pay attention to the disinfectant used. In this sense, the most effective alternative is 70% isopropyl alcohol, which is sold in electronics stores. This product has less than 1% water concentration and prevents the components of the device from oxidizing.

Step by step to clean your cell phone with isopropyl alcohol

  • Sanitize your hands with gel alcohol before starting the process;
  • Keep your cell phone off and without cables connected throughout the cleaning;
  • Never spray any cleaning product on your cell phone, as it may damage it;
  • Use a microfiber cloth that does not release lint and is also soft and dry to apply the product to the device;
  • No exaggeration, as the cloth should not be soaked with isopropyl alcohol;
  • Also, avoid applying alcohol directly to the cell phone screen, which is made of specific glass and is very touch sensitive;
  • Also take care that the disinfectant does not enter the USB and auxiliary inputs of the device;
  • Finally, after sanitizing, wait for the cell phone to dry completely before turning it on again.

Now that you know how to properly clean your cell phone, just buy the right product and clean your device. Thus, you protect your health and the environment thanks you too!

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