Traits of Introverts That Can Increase Your Chances of Success

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People introverts they are, by definition, individuals who demonstrate solitary and reserved behaviors. They tend not to be expansive, over-talkative, and act more shyly. In a world of exhibitionism, influencers and the spectacularization of everyday life, it is possible for introverts to feel insecure due to the way they live their lives. However, there are numerous positive features in the behavior introvert who can give these people an edge. See some:

Positive traits of introverts

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In a world that is constantly encouraging socialization, whether through social networks, large public events, work or study routine, mastering the art of communication is very important.

However, introverts do not always enjoy sociability in excess. This can make them fearful, especially in a context where making friends and making good impressions is important. important to achieve a specific objective - how to win over a client, present a lecture, among others. others.

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However, there is no reason to be insecure if you are not the example of the most extroverted person in the world. There are numerous traits of introverts that make them very special and give them a chance to succeed in many everyday situations. Meet some:

1. Introverts tend to think a lot

Instead of spending hours communicating with people, introverts often immerse themselves in their own thoughts. With this, it is possible to arrive at very important reflections, organize thoughts before possible situations stress and anxiety, prepare for decisive moments, rationalize feelings before verbalizing them, among others.

2. They are great listeners

Sometimes, people who are overly extroverted can have difficulty listening – or, at least, understanding what is not being said. Introverts have this ability a little sharper, after all, they tend to notice many situations and reflect on them in silence. In this way, there is nothing better than being heard by introverts, as you really feel understood and have space to speak without interruptions.

3. They are selective and tend to have long friendships.

Because they are always reflective and able to listen carefully, introverts tend to analyze people very well before trusting them - and when they do, it's because they feel safe. That way, they usually make more reliable friendships and are less disappointed.
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