4 signs your child may have type 2 diabetes

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Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong condition and can develop at any stage, including childhood. In addition, it usually appears slowly and gradually, which makes early diagnosis difficult in the little ones. However, this health problem has become increasingly commonplace. With that, find out how to identify diabetes in children.

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What are the main symptoms?

The symptoms are very similar among children, adolescents and adults. Therefore, children with type 2 diabetes may have the following signs and symptoms:

  • Increased trips to the bathroom to pee

A child who has type 2 diabetes may urinate more frequently. You need to pay attention to this excess urine, as this occurs when there is an increase in blood sugar.

  • constant thirst

Children may feel the need to drink more water than usual. This logic follows the same as in the previous topic, since the intensification of urination can cause dehydration and, consequently, thirst.

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  • Poor wound healing

It is necessary to keep an eye out if children's wounds take a long time to heal. After all, high blood sugar levels can mean longer healing times for wounds and skin infections.

  • Fatigue and tiredness

If the body does not have the ability to manage blood sugar effectively, the child may feel constantly tired. In these cases, the physical and emotional discomfort can also lead to general despondency.

The importance of early diagnosis

It is essential to make an early diagnosis of this disease in children and adolescents in order to provide them with a better quality of life. In addition, if not controlled, diabetes can lead to a very serious condition of diabetic ketoacidosis, for example.

In any case, early diagnosis prevents complications in the future, whether ophthalmological, renal or peripheral nerves. Thus, this directly affects the patient's quality of life.


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