They found a hole in the ocean of Mexico, the second largest in the world

The discovery of the second largest hole in the ocean is of extreme importance for science. 900 feet deep, located east of Mexico, the hole formed an almost complete circle and covered 150,000 square meters. In significant proportion, the hole is three times bigger than basketball idol Michael Jordan's mansion.

A diver's point of view looking at the entrance to Amberjack Hole. Image of Mote Marine Laboratory.

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To understand the complexity of importance, the tallest skyscraper in the United States is in North Carolina, the Bank of America Corporate Center, with its 60 floors. The monument is 265 meters and, in terms of proportion, it would not be appropriate to place it in the discovery of science, as the hole found in Mexico is 274 meters.

Blue hole found in Mexico is the second largest in the world

The discoveries are recent and began two years ago, when a fisherman recognized as Jesus Artemio Poot Villa took part in the research with scientists from Mexico to explore the site. The studies were published in the scientific academic journal

Frontiers In Marine Science.

The hole was named after the Mayan term Tamm ja', which means "deep water", located exactly in the bay of Chetumal, which is normally between 2 and 5 meters deep. Despite the discovery being important, this is the second deepest hole in the ocean, as the first is in China, recognized as Sansha Yongle Blue Hole.

And what is the function of discovering such a deep hole? This importance influences much more than we can think, as it is a place for science to explore and even with the ability to recognize the climate that the Earth had a thousand years ago.

Studying about the climate makes science find answers about the climate crisis that is getting worse over time.

For the ocean, these holes found are a prospect for marine life. The change in the chemistry of the water also indicates that the holes are a wealth to be explored, as they are the waters that are closest to the subterranean environment, as reported by the survey.

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