School Census: basic education received new students in 2022

According to the Census School of Education Basic 2022, the numbers of new registrations increased considerably. Last year was marked by the return to schools without the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, although there were new cases of outbreaks in isolated cities in Brazil. The record showed that 47.4 million students attended school, divided into 178.3 thousand schools across the country.

Camilo Santana, Minister of Education, informed that the Census 2022 points to a resumption of the data presented in 2019, in the period before the pandemic:

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“The pandemic has aggravated the country in several areas, but mainly in the area of ​​education. We are resuming the levels”, said Camilo Santana.

The value demonstrates an increase of 714 thousand students compared to the year 2021, when extreme cases of Covid-19 were still evident. During the same period, private institutions grew by 10.6% in new enrollments, reaching the level presented in 2019. Private schools have suffered a high negative impact during the pandemic.

Public institutions were not as affected by the days of social distancing, as the 2022 Census demonstrated. Last year, there were 38.3 million new enrollments, compared to 38.5 million in 2021.

School Census: early childhood education, primary and secondary education

child education

Enrollments in early childhood education also showed an impact from 2019 to 2021, returning to the normal rate in 2022. The Census showed that 74,400 day care centers were operating in the country last year, with 66.4% enrolled in public institutions and 33.6% in private institutions.

Elementary School

The data showed that 178,300 schools in Brazil offer basic education and at least 122,500 offer secondary education. initial or final years of elementary school, with municipal networks being the main responsible for vacancies in the initials.

Early years accounted for 10.1 million students last year and 18.9% of students are on private networks.
The final years, divided between city and state, had 5.3 million students in the municipal network and 4.8 million students in the state network. Private schools had 1.8 million students.

High school

The final stage of basic education received 7.9 million enrollments in 2022, an increase of 1.2% compared to 2021. The state network has the highest percentage of participation, with 84.2% of students. The private network has 971.5 thousand (12.3%) enrolled and the federal network has 232 thousand (3%).

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