Accelerated Aging: Feeling Depressed Can Destroy Your Appearance

Today's world is full of problems and worries, and people are increasingly tired and depressed. These factors can cause some consequences not only mentally, but also in our health in general. In this way, taking care of health as a whole has never been so important, so we have brought you more relevant information about one of the causes of aging.

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Loneliness ages you more than smoking

This seems a little strange, as we have always seen the act of smoking as an addiction that causes many ills. However, a new study found that loneliness, for example, increases people's biological age more than regular smoking itself.

To reach this conclusion, the study in question used a technology called an “aging clock”. In this way, biometric and blood data of almost 12,000 Chinese adults were tested to compose and support the research. The researchers, led by biotechnology company Deep Longevity, were surprised to see just how much of an impact psychological factors are associated with aging.

What is the aging clock?

As mentioned in the topic above, this method was used to reach the conclusion of the study. It is a statistical model that measures biological age, which is different from chronological age. To understand better, the chronological age is the one we really have according to the date of birth, while the biological one reflects how old we look when analyzing our health.

After analyzing data from the 11,914 Chinese adults involved in the experiment, the watch determined that smoking added about 1.25 years of aging. On the other hand, feelings of loneliness, fear, hopelessness, depression, unhappiness, poor sleep, as well as a set of psychological factors, can add up to 1.65 years of aging.

With that, we can conclude that our life cannot be just a compilation of stress and worry. More than ever, we need to be aware of our actions and how this influences our health and well-being, that is, live long and live well!

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