According to MEC, ProUni will have news for this year

Last Friday, the 27th of last month, the regulation of the University for All Program (ProUni) was changed by the Ministry of Education. The changes signed by Minister Camilo Santana refer to the program's waiting list. This is the first change after two years with no changes, reaching thousands of candidates for the program. Check out the article and learn more.

See what the Minister of Education said

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Ministry of Education releases first call for Prouni 2023

“The ProUni waiting list will be unique for each course and shift at each location, regardless of the original choice of students by competition for vacancies destined to the implementation of affirmative action policies or to broad competition", stated O MEC.

ProUni will consider the single list that reaches the competition vacancies and the separate vacancies for quotas. Remembering that the program offers 100% scholarships for candidates from the private university who took the Enem test.

ProUni waiting list

The amendment provides that the waiting list guarantees the candidate's enrollment in the intended course and, if the vacancy is not occupied, the university institution may call the next candidate to assume the post even during the call regular. The calls will be under the responsibility of the institutions themselves.

The calls will happen in order of priority, like this:

1. Public education teacher, intended for degree courses and the training of teachers in basic education, if there are those registered for the situation;
2. Students who completed their studies at public institutions;
3. Students who took the partial course in the public network, having been part of a private institution as a full scholarship student at the designated school;
4. Students who took the partial course in the public network, having been part of a private institution in condition of partial scholarship in the destined school;
5. Students who attended high school in private institutions on a full scholarship basis;
6. Students who attended high school in private institutions on a partial scholarship basis.

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