Tips to get the musty smell out of your closet

In wetter and colder periods, mold can manifest itself at home, whether on the walls, ceiling or furniture. But when there is mold in the wardrobe, in addition to getting the parts dirty, it also becomes difficult to remove the smell unpleasant, since the place is usually more stuffy.

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How to deal with the musty smell in the wardrobe?

The smell of mold is unpleasant, strong and the residues of the fungus can even cause respiratory problems. In winter periods, for example, due to higher humidity, more frequently closed windows and low incidence of sunlight, mold manifests itself everywhere.

To prevent the smell from spreading and also the fungus, learning how to clean mold properly is important, and removing it is a key health measure. Check out the tips to solve the problem:

Clean the area where the wardrobe is located to remove the musty smell.

First, you need to empty the wardrobe to identify the pieces that may be moldy and have an unpleasant smell. Then check for mold in drawers or on the back of furniture.

At this time, look in your room for sources of infiltration, leaks or damp walls, which may be causing mold in your wardrobe. Also check the material of the furniture, because it may have a lower quality wood, which favors the appearance of mold.

Then wipe the wardrobe with a damp cloth dipped in alcohol. Other materials suitable for wood, such as furniture polish, can also be used to help eliminate the musty smell.

To dry, you can leave the wardrobe open or use a hair dryer to speed up the process and make the wood drier.

Use Vinegar to Get the Musty Smell Out of Your Wardrobe

With alcohol or apple cider vinegar, you can moisten a cloth and clean the surface of the wardrobe with mold. Drawers, doors and behind the cabinet are strategic points.

Before putting the clothes back in place, wait for them to dry with natural ventilation or with the help of a hair dryer.

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