Love Astrology: The Signs That Manipulate and Deflect Blame

When it comes to manipulation, certain signs of the zodiac have exceptional abilities. However, they are not immune to discovery. The truth is, we even have to applaud such skill. Seriously, it's not for everyone.

However, the dick face of these signs doesn't even burn. Because, even when they are discovered, they transfer the blame to the other. It's easy?

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In love, there are three signs that stand out for such manipulation. Is yours (or your partner's) on this list? Check out!

The zodiac signs that stand out when it comes to manipulation


Libras may appear to be harmless when it comes to manipulation, but they are skilled at persuading others to do what they want, using their strong language. If confronted for exerting excessive control, he will shamelessly deny the action and will likely point out situations where he himself may have been manipulated but had not realized until then.


Leos don't hesitate to manipulate when they feel they are just retributing a fault committed by the other. In these cases, he seeks to minimize his own mistakes or inappropriate behavior, using various justifications to exempt himself from responsibility.

In addition, Leo can resort to drama, putting the other in a position of guilt and making him feel responsible for all the confusion created. This manipulative tactic aims to divert attention from your own actions, shifting responsibility to the other.


Virgo, in his quest for perfection and control, may end up resorting to manipulation to pressure the other to act according to his expectations. Initially, manipulative tactics may be subtle, but over time they become more overt.

If there is any kind of confrontation, this sign will use its intelligence and arguments to try to prove that its actions were in line with what is considered correct.


O Scorpiohe is known for his ability to manipulate subtly, often going unnoticed. However, when confronted with their manipulative actions, this sign will not hesitate to place themselves as the victim, emphasizing how much they are being wronged.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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