See foods that should NOT be heated in the microwave

As much as it is a utensil that optimizes our time in the kitchen, it is not all food that can be put in the microwave a since such foods may lose their nutritional properties when subjected to the heating process of the home appliance.

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Do foods lose their nutritional properties when heated in the microwave?

The waves emitted by the microwave act directly on the water in the food, causing the element's molecules to vibrate and thus generate heat to heat and cook the food. With that, such a process can affect the vitamins and nutrients contained therein.

However, the change is not unique to the microwave, but rather a result of the heating process in general. As food is heated, some nutrients decompose, as well as proteins, which also denature when heated.

5 foods that should not be heated in the microwave

  • Garlic

Even if you spend less than a minute in the microwave, allicin, the natural active ingredient responsible for the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic, can be lost. Thus, ingesting it raw is ideal to fully enjoy all its nutritional benefits.

  • White rice

Very high temperatures tend to directly affect the content of vitamins, fibers and minerals, causing the dish to be served with a reduced content of essential nutrients for the body.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli has a high concentration of nutrients with antioxidant action, however, when heated in the microwave, this index can be reduced by up to 97%.

  • Proteins

As much as it is an everyday facility, using the microwave for this food is not recommended. Since the method can decrease the rates of vitamin B12 and amino acids, in addition to affecting natural liquids, thus reducing their energy value.

  • Milk

When subjected to high temperatures, milk loses practically all the vitamin B12 contained in its composition. In addition, there is also a reduction in essential minerals.

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