What are the benefits of black tea? Check your relationship with longevity

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One study published on the 30th of August reveals benefits and claims that black tea can be in the healthy diet of many people. The main idea of ​​the study is the association of beverage consumption with the risk of mortality to assess whether the caffeine present in it is harmful to the organism. Keep reading to find out what are the benefits of black tea.

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Tea and healthy diet

Millennial drink, tea has been present in the lives of human beings since 2,700 BC. To be considered black tea, the beverage must be derived from the plant known as Camellia sinensis, known as Indian tea, as it is native to Asia.

This tea can be consumed in many ways, either by infusing it in hot water or even fermenting it. In Western countries, people usually consume tea bags, made with parts of the plant that cannot be sold.

The different processing techniques are responsible for the different types of tea derived from this plant. They can be non-oxidized, giving rise to green tea, or even fully oxidized, as is the case with black tea.

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Study in the United Kingdom evaluates the consumption of black tea and the reduction of mortality

Although there are studies that analyze the reduction in the risk of mortality in people who use green tea, there was no research related to black tea consumption and the risk of death. For this reason, scientist Maki Inoue sought to study the relationship between this drink and longevity.

The survey of 498,043 people in the UK collected data from participants in the Biobank, a place where biological samples are stored for use in research. The nation of the United Kingdom was chosen because consumption of black tea is quite common there.

In the study, the researchers analyzed not only consumption, but whether the use of additives, such as sugar and milk, temperature and other genetic variations interfere with the metabolism of caffeine present in black tea.

The conclusion of the study was that consumption of black tea is associated with a lower risk of mortality among those who drink two or more cups a day. Thus, scientists claim that even at high levels of consumption, tea can be part of a healthy diet, as it brings benefits to the body.


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