How much does an astronomer earn?

O astronomer aims to observe the universe and its phenomena. In addition, in his work, the astronomer seeks to discover the mysteries surrounding the emergence and evolution of the entire cosmos.

Therefore, the professional analyzes the chemical compositions of the stars, as well as their physical characteristics. Therefore, it studies the planets, asteroids, stars, galaxies and comets and their arrangement in the universe.

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astronomy course

To become an astronomer you need to take an astronomy course. The course is at a higher level in the bachelor's degree modality. In addition, it lasts an average of four years.

Unfortunately, in Brazil there are only three universities that offer the course to their students. These being the University of São Paulo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Federal University of Sergipe.

However, many professionals in the field do not

Astronomy students will take many disciplines from the exact sciences. This is because in order to understand the entire functioning of the cosmos and its celestial bodies, it is necessary to study mathematical models and the laws of the universe.

In addition, in the exercise of their function, they also used a lot of technology with high-precision computers, telescopes and state-of-the-art cameras. Therefore, the handling of such systems are taught at graduation.

Thus, the students of the course will have disciplines such as Physics, Statistics, Computing, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, among many others.

Job market

The job market for professionals trained in astronomy is quite promising. That's because there are more vacancies than professionals in the market. Especially since only three institutions offer graduation.

In general, the astronomer can follow four areas within the market, namely research, teaching, dissemination and telecommunication. In this way, they can work in observatories, planetariums, schools and universities and technology companies.


Although there are not many Brazilian professionals in the area, astronomers' salaries are one of the great attractions for the area. The national average for the profession is R$ 5,369.00.

In addition, the states with the highest remuneration for astronomers are Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In the latter, the average salary for the position is R$ 6,054.00.

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