Get rid of water retention once and for all with these tips

Liquid retention is mainly characterized by swelling in the legs. In these cases, what happens is a greater concentration of fluids in the circulatory system or on the skin. This condition can be quite uncomfortable for anyone, but there are some ways to solve it. That's why today we separate some tips to reduce fluid retention which consist of changing a few simple habits.

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Tips to reduce fluid retention

  • drink more water

No thinking that excess fluids appear in your body when you drink too much water. After all, retention is a problem with the functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, the more hydrated you are, the better it will be to reverse the retention situation.

  • practice physical exercises

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of fluid retention. That's because those who don't exercise, don't stimulate the circulatory system and are more subject to swelling, especially in the legs. In that case, the most recommended thing is to take short walks and runs, as these exercises can influence our entire body. Not to mention there will be specific benefits to reducing leg swelling.

  • eat less salt

There is a direct relationship between salt intake and fluid retention, as the more salt you eat, the more your body demands water concentration. So the less salt you eat, the less you need to keep all those fluids in your body.

It is worth mentioning that processed foods are largely responsible for excess salt in our diet. Therefore, if you don't know how to reduce sodium, the best choice will be to start by removing these products from your diet.

  • Avoid refined carbohydrates

Finally, know that you need to reduce refined carbohydrates, such as cookies, cakes and white pasta in general. This is because these foods generate spikes in glucose, which generate greater retention of sodium and also water. Not to mention that they are low in fiber, which makes digestion very difficult. In this sense, the essential thing will be to prioritize healthy and natural food.

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