Attention, nurses: Lula sanctions the law that establishes a new wage floor!

Last Friday, the 12th, coinciding with the International Nursing Day, President Lula sanctioned the Law that earmarks an amount of R$ 7.3 billion for the payment of the national nursing floor.

The measure was published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and is the result of the bill approved at the end of April during the joint session of the National Congress.

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After being sanctioned on August 5 last year, the law that established the nursing floor was temporarily suspended by the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

This suspension was necessary to enable the calculations and studies related to the financing necessary for the effective implementation of the measure. This year, it was sanctioned again, with the revision of values.

Salary readjustment for nurses is already in effect

With the approval of the new nursing floor, it is estimated that nurses will receive at least R$ 4,750 per month. As for nursing technicians, the estimated amount is BRL 3,325, while nursing assistants and midwives must receive at least BRL 2,375.

These values ​​represent an important advance in the appreciation of these professionals and reflect the recognition of the importance of the work performed by them in the health area.

According to data from the Federal Nursing Council, Brazil currently has approximately 2 million and 800,000 nursing professionals, including nurses, nursing assistants and nursing technicians nursing.

In addition, there are around 60,000 midwives in the country. These professionals play a key role in health care, being responsible for assisting approximately 450,000 births per year.

It is important to highlight that approximately 20% of these births occur in rural areas, and in the North and Northeast regions this percentage is twice as high.

These numbers show the relevance and scope of the work carried out by nursing professionals and midwives throughout Brazil.

The salary update came into effect on the day of publication in the DOU, last Friday, the 12th, with a billionaire transfer from the Federal Government.

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