Powerful partnership: Google and Android launch password management tool

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A new era in digital security comes with the announcement of the password management tool that is the result of a partnership between Google and Android. This is the Password Manager. It has as its main function the synchronization between the passwords on Android devices and Google accounts. The mechanism is also intended to increase virtual security. See more details about the news.

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Google and Android password integration

In a post on the official blog, Google announced that the result of the partnership with Android is now available for accounts. It is named tool of Password Manager. In summary, the main use of this resource is the synchronization between the passwords that are registered on the devices, as well as the accounts.

In this way, users will be able to establish a secure connection between Google functions and their cell phones and tablets. Practical, right? This is a way of optimizing the time of those using both, making the use of the platforms even simpler. The best part is that everything will be done very safely.

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Protection for passwords

In addition to synchronization, the tool will also manage to make password configuration much more efficient and secure. This is because the mechanism will exclude those that are predictable and easy to code through careful analysis. In addition, there will also be the use of cryptographic techniques that incorporate the benefits of biometrics to make everything even safer, as well as features we already know, such as recognition facial.

In the announcement, Google also warns about the need to protect our accounts by creating more complex and secure passwords. For example: the habit of repeating them on all social networks, as well as using predictable numerical combinations are some of the reasons why there is so much intrusion and data theft.

In this way, the intention of the technology giant is precisely to offer more security to users through the use of artificial intelligence. Including, the announcement also emphasizes that we should expect more news like this in the coming months.


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