First holographic teleportation between Canada and USA takes place

Scientists at Western University, located in Canada, perform the first bidirectional and international holographic teleportation in history. So far only present in materials from fiction science, now the image of a person can be instantly projected from one country to another.

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What is holographic teleportation

Teleportation consists of instantly transmitting the image of something or someone to another place. With the help of a special camera, a holographic image is created and, through virtual reality glasses, the person on the other side can see the hologram as if it were right in front of him.

The holographic teleportation recorded by the researchers is bidirectional, that is, people were teleported from Alabama (USA) to Ontario (CA). Soon after, scientists did the opposite. It was a success.

How it works

Holographic teleportation works using software installed on a special camera and virtual reality glasses called HoloLens, from Microsoft. The software is owned by the company Aexa Aerospace and was developed for the specific purpose of creating a holographic image.

The camera has the capacity to capture the image of a person or an object and transform it into a hologram. Then, this image is processed and sent to the previously determined destination.

For it to work, the person at the destination must use HoloLens, as this will allow them to see the image as if the object or person in question were, in fact, present in that environment. If both people have virtual reality glasses, both will interact as if they were together in the same place.

Cost is still high

Because it is a new technology, the cost of the equipment involved in holographic teleportation can reach up to U$ 5 thousand, the equivalent of R$ 26.5 thousand. For the researchers, the equipment can be more affordable over long distances, since airline tickets and accommodation can be very expensive.

University scientists now intend to study the applications of the new technology in medicine, with a focus on assisting people living in remote or rural areas. The researchers are also going to improve the glasses to integrate sensors capable of monitoring heart rate, oxygen saturation and liver monitors. The idea is to increase the sense of touch perceived by users.

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