Some of the main health benefits of pear

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When it comes to the benefits of pears, one of the most cited is its low calorie content, which is approximately 60 kcal. However, this sweet and mild-tasting fruit has more benefits than that. That is why today we are going to discuss the main benefits that can be obtained from this fruit. Check it out now!

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Some of the main health benefits of pear

  • Improves immunity

The properties contained in the pear are beneficial to strengthen our body's defense cells and our immune system.

  • Controls the glucose

Another benefit is blood glucose control, which is due to the presence of pectin, a type of soluble fiber found in abundance in fruits. Because it is considered a low-glycemic fruit, it is indicated for people with diabetes.

  •  Improves gut health

Its fibers also improve intestinal function, promoting the formation of stools more easily and preventing constipation.

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  • Combat inflammation

Because it contains flavonoids, in addition to vitamins A, C and K and chlorogenic acid, and because pear peels contain bioactive compounds With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, this fruit helps protect against free radicals that cause inflammation. In addition, it also prevents premature aging.

In this way, including this fruit in your diet is a great bonus for your body. So, if you are wondering about these advantages, you will be pleased to know that this fruit also prevents premature aging.

Include pears in your diet

It can be said that any fruit in the diet is an excellent ally, but for weight loss, pears are a great choice. See below its benefits to ensure healthy weight loss and rich in nutrients.

  • Low in calories: it is a great suggestion for those who maintain a weight loss strategy, since 100g of this fruit has approximately 60kcal;
  • Fiber source: provides an average of 10% of your daily fiber requirement per unit. Eating fiber helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels (preventing sugar from turning into fat in cells);
  • More disposition and energy: the pear also has carbohydrates and contributes to the supply of energy for daily activities and for the practice of physical activities;
  • Potassium source: this nutrient present in the pear helps to improve the health of the muscles and also of the heart.

That said, the pear is a low-calorie option that provides satiety (another power derived from the presence fibers) and can be consumed before and after training, as it provides energy benefits and muscles.
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