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Our body always looks for a way to show when there is something wrong going on internally. In this perspective, illnesses how diabetes can be diagnosed from small signs in the body, one of them, for example, can be a sign in the eye.

Ours eyes can reveal much more than what is observable. They can be a key point to analyze the presence of diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and others. Follow the text and know how to perceive what your eyes may be revealing.

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Eye analysis for diagnosis of possible diseases

Plato said in his dialogues that the eyes are like windows to the soul. In this context, the doctor Chris Steele, in an interview with the television program The Morning Itv, showed that the eyes can also be characterized as “windows of the organism”, since our body can to present signals through them.

A change in your eyes, for example, can reveal if you have high cholesterol. This condition is serious, after all, the indication of high cholesterol can mean a series of other diseases such as, for example, heart attack, stroke and blocked veins.

One way to tell if you have high cholesterol from your eyes is to look for a gray, blue, or white semicircle around the cornea. This condition is expressed through a white ring of lipids that forms under the cornea. If your eyes show something similar, see a doctor for tests.

The importance of these signs

The signs in the eyes become stronger as people age and, according to the doctor, are more apparent in male males. However, these signs are not, by themselves, a definitive diagnosis.

If you present the sign, there is no need to despair or worry about other possible illnesses. The first step is to seek help from a qualified professional and carry out the exams.

After all, in some cases cholesterol levels can be genetic. Cholesterol produced by the liver brings some benefits to the body. The control of the so-called “bad cholesterol”, therefore, is of paramount importance at different stages of life, as it may be responsible for triggering other diseases.

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