The effects of the sun on the skin. Do skin and sun match?

The human body is made up of different types of tissue and our skin, specifically, is formed by the epithelial tissue. In order to be better informed about this type of fabric, let's know some more characteristics about it.

O epithelial tissue is classified into two types, the epitheliumglandular, also called by some authors of secretion epithelium, it's the lining epithelium. O glandular epithelium it forms the glands, structures specialized in the production of substances useful to the body, such as the thyroid, mammary glands, adrenals, etc. already the lining epithelium is the one that covers our entire body, that is, the our skin, which is formed by two layers respectively called epidermis and dermis.

THE epidermis it is the outermost layer of the skin and is made up of cells closely linked together, which provide it with protection against microorganisms and also against friction. The layer just below the epidermis is the dermis and it is in it that we find the nerve endings, the glands, among other structures. Our skin cells are constantly renewed every thirty days.

As we saw, our skin it is an organ that must be treated with great care, since besides covering our entire body, it is also the main barrier against microorganisms. One of the main cares that we have to take with our skin is the sun, which emits radiation that causes several damages to our skin.

The sun, by emitting infrared and ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB), becomes an enemy when used in a way wrong, but let's not forget that our body needs solar radiation to activate some reactions.

Exposure to the sun should not take place between 10 am and 4 pm, as this is the time when ultraviolet radiation is more intense and, therefore, more harmful to the skin.

Excessive exposure to the sun at non-recommended hours can have disastrous consequences such as erythemas(redness of the skin), burns, stains like frecklesand spots that can evolve into a skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer.

As we live in a country whose latitude benefits the incidence of solar radiation, we must always be aware of some precautions to be taken, such as:

● When exposed to the sun, wear a hat and certified sunglasses;

● Whenever you leave the house, even on cloudy days, apply sunscreen with a protection factor (SPF) of at least 15;

● If you are going to practice outdoor activities, protect yourself from the sun with the use of sunscreen, which must be reapplied every 2 hours;

● Avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm;

● When at the beach or at the pool, do not go out in the sun at non-recommended times and remember that even in the shade, it is important to use sunscreen, as sand and water reflect light, causing burns even in the shadow.

The sun is extremely important in our lives, as in addition to improving our mood and our mood, it participates in the synthesis of vitamin D, maintenance of circadian rhythms, among others. So don't deprive yourself of the sun, just use it sparingly.

by Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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