Improvements in sight for Google TV, according to Google announcement

This Wednesday (10), Google announced some efforts to improve fluidity and include some new features in Google TV, the company's interface for smart TVs.

To this end, the company introduced Compose TV, an interface structure that can be accessed by developers who have ideas to improve Google TV.

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“Today, we are releasing the Alpha release of Compose for TV, the latest UI framework for Compose for TV. user to develop beautiful and functional apps for Android TV," the company said in communicated.

Developers already have access to codes for creating apps released by Google. However, Compose TV will be simpler and more intuitive, accelerating the creation and optimization of new and better applications.

In April, Google had already announced the closing of a partnership with Tubi, Plex and Haystack News, in order to offer more than800 free channels on Google TV.

All these measures are part of efforts by the Search Giant to win competition with companies like Amazon and Apple, who are also beefing up streams and user interfaces with options free.

Compose TV's new free channels and future updates can be accessed by users via a Chromecast that has Google TV and also by smart TVs that have the interface, like some models from Sony, TCL, Philips and Hisense.

It is not yet known when the optimizations in the interface will be released or what changes will be made, but it is expected that later this year Google will give more explanations on the subject.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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