Personality: These 10 Signs Show You're Omega, Not Alpha

The tests that analyze your way of being are very famous and sought after by people who tend to delve into their “inner self”, as they are usually looking for answers about how they work and what they need. Next, we'll show you some signs that, as much as you want to be an alpha, you're an omega.

types of personalities

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The six recognized and documented types are: alpha, beta, gamma, omega, delta and sigma. Traits and characteristics can be associated with one of six personality types. This helps you and also helps the people around you to understand your way of being more easily.

How do you characterize someone with an omega personality?

An omega person is sure of himself, no matter how people see him, even when men break the "alpha male" standards.

They are full of ambition and rely heavily on self-motivation to get what they need done. They use their inner drive to make things happen.

Men and women with this personality type are extremely intelligent, to the point of being considered the "nerds" of the crowd.

10 omega personality traits

1. Is a person who plans

They know how to find joy in everything they do.

They know exactly what they want to do and where they want to go in life and they will never give up on their goals, as they are super persistent and self-sufficient. They like to stay positive during the journey to reach their desired goal.

2. is an honest person

If you are an omega, you are someone who is very sincere. You don't usually lie or omit, because you really value the truth in its most sincere form. Speak from the heart, regardless of anything.

3. have unusual hobbies

Omega people like to spend time with some things that many of us would consider…weird. The most unusual ones that very few people practice. For them, the more different and challenging it is, the more interesting it will be.

4. Has the heart of a child

It's like they don't want to grow up. Fun is the language of love. Children tend to like people with the omega personality a lot, as they know how to communicate perfectly with the little ones. You have to be careful with this, so you don't end up looking like immature in front of other adults.

5. you are who you are

People like that are also not the type to give in to social pressures to become what they are not. They have unmatched confidence and don't feel the need to impress others.

6. Is someone reliable

The omega personality is built around helping the people around you. It is something done with a lot of willingness. And it is a true disposition! That one of helping when necessary and wanting absolutely nothing in return, just for the simple act of doing good.

7. Is a slightly disorganized person

Omegas are not good at planning, but they are skilled in everything they do or set out to do. They fail to plan a process and end up being more improvisers.

8. don't like competitions

Omegas are not in the habit of competing with other people, which makes people not see them as a threat.

9. It's usually lonely

Individuals with this personality type are known to be people of few friends, but this is not a reason to make them upset. They don't crave being part of large groups, preferring to feel fulfilled in their own company rather than having to share their precious personal space with someone else.

10. It's quiet

It is very difficult to shake an omega, as he is rarely stressed by difficult decisions or momentary complications. If you are comfortable whenever you are moving at your own pace, then you tend to ignore external pressures.

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