More than 10 species are threatened with extinction in the Paraná reserve

About 12 species of animals were identified as the most likely to be extinct. The research was conceived by the Great Mammals of Serra do Mar Program, which identified the extinction north of the Paraná, in the Salto Morato Nature Reserve, maintained by the Boticário Foundation for Nature Protection in guaraqueba.

Among the birds that are being threatened, the highlight goes to the Jacutinga, a great ally when it comes to sowing the juçara palm tree, a plant that is also at risk of becoming extinct. Another bird of such importance is the Little Hawk-Pigeon, an ally in the natural conservation of forests, which is also of Brazilian origin.

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Mammalian species that have been recorded as nearly extinct, according to the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), are the Jaguar, wild cat, Moorish cat, Puma – or puma – and Margay.

The manager of the Natural Reserve, Ginessa Lemos, commented in a note on this discovery of possible extinction. The place works as a kind of support for these animals that are being threatened. She stressed the importance of its operation.

“The Atlantic Forest is the biome that has the most species of fauna and flora threatened with extinction, mainly due to being a hotspot, an area that has a lot of natural wealth and endemic species that are only found there”, highlighted.

Reserve sets up strategy to reverse the situation

The organization of the Fundação Grupo Boticário de Salto Morato acts as the main remaining biome in the world, forming part of the Great Atlantic Forest Reserve. For the discovery of extinction, data from 4 thousand records made in ten years in the reserve were used. It was through these records that researchers discovered the extinction of these species. Since 1994, it has played an indispensable role in preserving species and building a healthy environment.

The preservation and balance of the fauna ecosystem is carried out, as the reserve manager pointed out: “In 2021, we had the first record of cub of cougar. This is a huge victory for conservation,” she added.

“Today, we are already reaping important results, such as the appearance of the jaguar. Of this and 11 other endangered species within an area that is considered even small – 2,253 hectares –, but very expressive in terms of biodiversity”, emphasized Ginessa Lemos.

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