Scratching your eyes can cause blindness.

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Did you know that Can scratching your eyes cause blindness? It may seem strange, but this problem is among the most responsible for corneal transplants In the whole world. There are many causes for this condition, but it is important to understand that it is also closely linked to the habit of scratching your eyes. See below how this is possible,

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What is Keratoconus?

Basically, the keratoconus occurs when there is a change in the cornea. This is because the condition causes a thinning of this structure, leaving it with the shape of a cone. In this way, the developed condition ends up disturbing the ability of the eyes to focus on an image. According to researchers, every 100 thousand people in the world, about 50 to 200 people develop this disease.

Causes of the disease

Keratoconus can be caused by very common and generic factors, such as the habit of scratching your eyes. Therefore, it is important to avoid this impulse, which can be quite common in countries with a hot climate, such as Brazil. In addition, people with allergic rhinitis or eye allergies can also be extremely affected. Therefore, treatment for the disease must also be accompanied by the resolution of related causes.

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The symptoms of the disease

In general, already in adolescence it is possible to notice the disease manifesting itself, so it is necessary to consult a Ophthalmologist when young. After all, as it does not present inflammation and is painless, it is very difficult to be identified, until it is stabilized, around the age of 30. It even affects both eyes asymmetrically, usually affecting one eye more than the other.

In addition, it is important to understand that symptoms can vary greatly according to the stage of the disease and even different diseases. of refraction with which they may be accompanied, such as myopia, astigmatism, photophobia and difficulty seeing in environments with little light. Because of this, it is an extremely common condition in people with a high degree of astigmatism, as they have many correlated symptoms.

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