Study at one of the biggest universities in the world for free

According to a ranking, called QS World University Rankings, which, as the name implies, evaluates universities around the world, University College London is among the 10 largest on Earth. Now, Brazilians have the opportunity to study at this renowned college thanks to a partnership with the Telles Foundation, which offers low-income students the chance to enter education.

Scholarships are integral for the electronic engineering and electrical engineering courses, covering the expenses of the entire graduation period, which are four years, in addition to equipment purchases, expenses with visas, health systems, lodging, tickets and, most importantly, the annuities of the course. The value for each student is more than £200,000 (which is equivalent to more than R$ 1.2 million, making the direct conversion of values).

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The college was founded in 1826, in the heart of London, England, being the largest university multidisciplinary London, with over 13,000 staff and 42,000 students from 150 countries many different. As reported by the university itself, they are a diverse community with the freedom and courage to challenge, question and think differently.

Utilizing a modern and progressive approach to research and teaching, UCL academics, in addition to dedicated and curious students, along with a unique team of employees, are always in pursuit of excellence, breaking barriers, impacting and seeking to solve problems in the real world.

If you are interested in this unique opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the world, you can apply for scholarships. For this, you must live in Brazil and fulfill the prerequisites, both academic and English.

Applications can be made between February 1st and April 1st. To find out more, just access the website. In addition, on February 8, UCL will hold an online event to inform more details about courses and scholarships, to follow the event, you need to subscribe.

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