How much does a Stylist or Fashion Designer make?

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Keeping up with new fashion trends is a common habit among people who like to invest in their style. Each season of the year requires a certain turnaround in the wardrobe, when old pieces give way to new costumes. Along with the launch of new collections, which stamped the windows of shopping centers, the desire for consumption arises.

It is in this scenario, of production, creativity and trends, that fashion professionals come into action: Stylists and Fashion Design. They create collections of clothing and accessories, all to meet the expectations of the modern market, which includes consumers of all styles and social classes.

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One of the professional's main characteristics is creativity, but his skills don't stop there. You still need to know about modeling, design and be a good researcher to identify styles and trends.

In addition to the glamorous catwalks that display the looks produced by professionals who work with high sewing, Fashion Stylists or Designers can also act in the creation of collections for clothing stores and accessories. In this scenario, there are also specialists who own internationally renowned ateliers.

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In general, the creation process requires a long period of dedication from the professional. Generally, it takes many months to develop a collection, which goes from creation and research, production of the pieces, definition and preparation of the models, to the final tests.

Training in Fashion

A few years ago, it was enough to have an aptitude for the world of fashion to work as a stylist or fashion designer in Brazil. Currently, in a more professional scenario, the demands have become much greater. For this reason, technical and higher education courses related to this field have gained more space.

But, before choosing the ideal course, it is important to identify your professional profile and in which area of ​​fashion you want to work. Both the technical course (average duration of 3 years) and the higher education course (average duration of 4 years) offer careers focused on styling, modeling or business and production.

Due to the extensive development of the sector, there are currently several public and private colleges spread throughout the country that offer higher education courses in Fashion. Among the nomenclatures of graduations are:

  • Fashion design
  • Fashion, Design and Styling
  • Fashion Business
  • Textile and Fashion

How Much Does a Stylist and Fashion Designer Earn?

When assuming the initial position of fashion assistant, the professional receives, on average, R$ 1,000 per month. In turn, when working as a Stylist or Fashion Designer, the average salary rises to R$ 3,000 per month.

According to Catho's Professions and Salaries Guide, values ​​fluctuate according to the area of ​​activity and region. The smallest amount is BRL 2,300 and the largest amount is BRL 5,000. The National Jobs Bank (BNE) explains that the professional's length of experience influences the average salary. Check out:

  • Recent graduate (up to 2 years of experience): BRL 2,327
  • Junior (2 to 4 years of experience): BRL BRL 2,676
  • Full (4 to 6 years of experience): BRL BRL 3,078
  • Senior (6 to 8 years of experience): BRL 3,501
  • Master (more than 8 years of experience): BRL 4,027

The main job opportunities for professionals are concentrated in large fashion retail companies. Some clothing chains even offer wages between R$5,600 and R$9,100.

In another scenario, mainly involving famous brands, the remuneration offered reaches up to R$ 25,000. In these cases, the acceptance and recognition of the professional's work counts a lot.

Job market for a stylist

For those who want to work in this sector, the good news is that styling in Brazil has grown a lot in recent decades. According to researchers in the field, this growth is related to the broad development of the Fashion and Design industry in the country.

According to the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the field of Fashion and Styling is already considered one of the most lucrative professions in the creative industry in Brazil. There are more than 1.2 million professionals working in this sector.

Among the States that offer better salary proposals are: Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Roraima and São Paulo. According to the survey, these regions include large textile industries, leather processing, or have a strong fashion trade.

To stand out in this market, in addition to talent, you need to have a broader view of the field. Those who have management skills and are always up to date with national and international fashion trends can build a successful career.

A higher education diploma is not mandatory to work as a stylist in Brazil, but those who invest in specialization are seen as more prepared to assume different positions in the area.

Areas of expertise of the professional

  • Consultancy

The professional can work as a personal stylist, whose main function is to help clients combine clothes, colors and styles.

  • Coordination

In the position of coordinator, the professional is responsible for managing the purchase of clothing collections for stores and magazines. In addition, he coordinates the style teams on fashion trends, whether in industries and clothing or in magazines.

  • design/styling

In this field, the fashion professional works in the creation of clothes, jewelry, costume jewelry, shoes and handbags. In addition, it designs new prints and patterns and develops new fabrics for weaving.

  • Photography

As a photographer, the specialist accompanies the production of fashion photos for magazines, catalogues, exhibitions and advertisements.

  • Management

In the case of a manager, the main functions are to develop products and supervise the purchase of materials for their production and commercialization.

  • Modeling

This field is also highly requested. The professional's main responsibility is to translate the stylists' designs into molds, that is, he designs pilot models to guide production.

  • Business

In this field, the specialist works as a manager in the chain of production, distribution, dissemination and marketing of fashion, in addition to developing business and marketing strategies.

  • Production

In production, the professional performs fashion shows, catalogs and magazine editorials, in addition to organizing advertising campaigns.

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