Several people know the intermittent fasting as a way of to lose weight and control weight. However, according to recent research, this method still helps to to study more, and also contributes to improvements in other areas of your life.
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What does intermittent fasting mean?
Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that consists of alternating between regular eating and fasting. Despite some side effects being reported by researchers, such as irritability and headache, science also lists its benefits.
While the best known is weight management, recently improved cognitive health has also been touted as a benefit of intermittent fasting. So, if you have a contest or entrance exam in mind, consider talking to your doctor and adopting the practice. Check out the scientific reasons for this below.
Maintaining brain health
Intermittent fasting can help delay brain aging and increase the brain's ability to adapt to the most diverse situations, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. Thus, the method contributes to optimizing cognitive function.
Long term memory improvement
Many people have difficulties retaining the information learned, but intermittent fasting can be the solution. According to researchers at King's College in London, intermittent dieting develops long-term memory by stimulating hippocampus neurons, which are fundamental for the formation of our memories.
Prevention of cognitive disorders
Intermittent fasting triggers a process known as autophagy, which is our body's ability to clean out damaged cells. Thus, the cell can regenerate itself and stay young and healthy.
Contributes to maintaining physical fitness
A healthy body also contributes to a healthy mind. Thus, the adoption of intermittent fasting can help in the practice of physical activities, because it increases your resistance. In addition, it contributes to improving blood pressure and helps you sleep better, facilitating the retention of learning from previous days.
And the best of all
Even though the use of intermittent fasting is related to weight loss, the best part is that it is not necessarily a diet. Thus, it is not necessary to eat in a restricted way. So you can eat brain-friendly foods like dark chocolate along with your normal diet.
This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.