Alcoholism is a silent condition that affects millions of people in Brazil. However, many people are reluctant to seek a treatment. In this case, many disbelieve this situation, and that is why it is important to know the signs of alcoholism.
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Only parties with alcohol
Adult entertainment with the presence of alcohol is something natural and healthy when within limits. However, there is certainly something wrong when someone only knows how to have fun at celebrations with alcoholic drinks.
Therefore, be aware of when it is difficult to connect with the moment or rejoice without drinking. After all, that means alcohol is more a part of your everyday life than you might think.
drinks every day
Another very important indication is the routine and indispensable habit of drinking alcohol daily. In this case, it is common for people to argue that they only drink a little. But anyway, it's a warning when you can't go a day without drinking.
Takes frustration out on drink
All people go through moments of emotional instability and difficult situations. However, in the case of those who have problems with alcohol, it is only possible to overcome them when there is alcohol. In this case, this is a strong indication that it is necessary to review consumption habits and seek help.
Difficulty getting drunk
Generally, people are very susceptible to the consumption of beverages, especially those with a higher alcohol content. On the other hand, those who already face a problem with this consumption tend to be resistant to getting drunk. However, this is not a quality, but a sign that the body has already got used to the substance.
withdrawal signs
Facing a problem with any drug implies difficulties in abstaining, and the same happens with alcohol. After all, someone coping with alcoholism cannot tolerate brief periods of abstinence. In addition, symptoms such as tremors, mood swings and nausea are common.
resistance to treatment
Even with many indications, it is common for someone facing alcoholism to resist treatment and ask for help. This happens because they do not see themselves as alcoholics. Either way, treatment is the best option to overcome the problem.