Study indicates that more than 50% of Brazilians are overweight

According to studies by the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), currently, more than 58% of the Brazilian population struggles with overweight. The percentage sums the numbers of overweight and obesity (BMI greater than or equal to 25).

This research was done in partnership with the public health organization Vital Strategies and brought some insights into the health situation of Brazilian society as a whole. As a result, it showed that the highest rate of obesity is concentrated in people between 45 and 54 years old, hitting almost 70% of the population.

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Other topics and criteria were also studied, such as food and also medical diagnoses. For example, more than 10% of the population is diagnosed with diabetes – with the highest concentration in seniors aged 65 and over, totaling 26.2%.

How does the Brazilian population feed?

Research indicates that less than half of Brazilians eat fruit and vegetables at least 5 times a week. In addition, it makes a big difference clear: women eat better than men (51.5% and 39.1%).

In addition, it also indicated that the rate of good nutrition (with more greens and vegetables most of the week) is higher among those with higher education (57.2% of the total). Among the less educated, the percentage is 40.9%.

What about physical activities?

The survey showed that 31.5% of Brazilians interviewed perform at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week – about 30 minutes in 5 days. Within this cutout, there are 34.8% men and 28.3% women.

Mental health

Among respondents, 12.7% of Brazilians have some diagnosis of depression, 18.1% of which are women. In addition, studies indicate that 31.6% of the general population of young people aged 18 to 24 suffer from anxiety.

Among those who suffer from anxiety, 34.2% are women and 32.2% of respondents are from the Midwest.

When it comes to sleep, 59% of respondents said they sleep the recommended amount of time for their age group.

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