Check out common signs that may indicate depression

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A depression it is a silent disease that acts in a sneaky way. usually the symptoms they start without the person noticing, but soon it becomes a painting that is difficult to hide. Like other diseases, the diagnosis Early onset of depression can make it easier to reverse. In this sense, identify the signs of depression as soon as possible can be the help that many people need to not have to go through this painful moment. Check out what they are.

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sleep changes 

One of the first changes one notices when experiencing depression is a change in sleeping habits. For example, some people, at the beginning of the illness, sleep less than before, while others sleep more. However, attention should be paid to the fact that these changes are not imperceptible, but sudden.

Thus, some depressives do not sleep for consecutive nights. Others stay in bed all day, unable to get up to do anything. In both cases, it will be necessary to resort to doctors to regulate both the depression and the insomnia. Even sleeping well can positively influence the treatment of the disease.

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When someone is depressed, they cannot find a reason to do all their day-to-day activities. In this way, tasks such as taking a shower, going to work or cleaning the house become irrelevant. As a consequence, patients stop doing these activities and start to accumulate occupations.

Therefore, it may be that a depressed person's grades suddenly drop, as well as performance at work. These situations make the patient feel more restless, making the situation worse. In the most extreme cases, depressed people can be removed from work by the INSS.

insistent sadness

Sadness is common in our lives, as we are human and are subject to this feeling. But in the case of someone with depression, the picture is much more intense and insistent, without any association with a specific fact. That is, while healthy people become melancholic when faced with sad news or facts, those who have depression do not usually find reasons for their sadness and therefore this feeling does not go away quickly. On the contrary, in cases of depression, sadness can last for weeks and be very uncomfortable. For the relief of this symptom, the use of medication is necessary, right after the medical consultation.

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