Did you need a certificate? See if days can be deducted from salary

In times of a pandemic, any symptom is even greater concern. Employees often need to miss work to take care of their health, protect themselves and also protect other employees. But the question remains: in cases of attestation, for whatever the illness, can the days of absence be deducted from the salary payment?

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Firstly, it is good to know that the way of communicating the employer about the absence from work makes all the difference. Just cell phone messages or calls are not enough reasons to register the absence.

Days deducted from salary

First of all, if you need to be absent from work for health reasons, you must present a medical certificate. Only he is able to confirm the reason for the leave and ensure that the days away from the company are not deducted from the salary.

Thus, according to the law, the medical certificate is the document that justifies the absence of the employee. Thus, in these cases, the days cannot be deducted from the monthly remuneration.

Despite this, company doctors can also assess the health and medical certificate of employees. In these cases, the company's doctors can reduce the days off work. When this happens, the company's doctor becomes responsible for monitoring the sick worker. And responds for any effort or anything that could further compromise the health of the worker.

In addition, the company's doctor also needs to justify the reasons for evaluating the reduction in sick leave days. If even presenting the medical certificate, the days of absence are deducted from the salary, the first step is to contact the company's Human Resources sector.

If even then the days are not recognized by the company, the worker can look for the union that represents the category or file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor.

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